4th extraordinary session of the Council of Members of the International Olive Council
The Council of Members of the International Olive Council held its 14th extraordinary session at its headquarters in Madrid from 8 to 11 July 2008. Discussions were chaired by Israel
18 luglio 2008 | T N
The first day of the session focused on the future action of this intergovernmental organisation. A Discussion Group met to determine the special-interest topics and priorities for IOC activities after 2010. Besides the members of the Group, the meeting was also attended by the Heads of Delegation participating in the 14th extraordinary session and the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the IOC Advisory Committee.
The Discussion Group agreed on the need to strengthen the cooperative ties between the Advisory Group and the Council and to ensure a continuous flow of communication between the two by making the committee more dynamic and involving it in the work of the IOC Technical, Economic and Promotion Committees, so putting into practice the provisions of the current 2005 International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives.
The Council of Members later adopted a Decision for this purpose at the plenary sessions.
The Discussion Group also highlighted the pressing need to pursue IOC technical cooperation and standardisation activities in order to upgrade product quality and to continue action to promote the consumption of olive oil and table olives in both producing and consuming markets.
Another important item on the session agenda was the three-year action plans of the Organisation for technical cooperation and promotion, both of which were discussed at length during the committee meetings held on 8 and 9 July 2008.
At the plenaries on 10-11 July, the Council of Members agreed to the request of the Promotion Committee and decided for the time being to carry on with the promotion campaign launched in India in 2007 by streamlining the specifications required of the firm selected to implement the campaign.
In the case of the promotion campaign planned for implementation in China and Russia from 2008 to 2010, the Council of Members decided to postpone the campaign until a new call for tenders was prepared.
As far as technical cooperation is concerned, the Council of Members approved the changes in the action plan proposed by the Technical Committee and the priorities set by the member countries.